J1939 / ISObus
A general description can be found on Wikipedia J1939. All Standards are available at the Society of Automotive Engineers SAE store.
- A Comprehensible Guide to J1939 (Englisch, 128 pages, 2008), Wilfried Voss, ISBN-13: 978-0976511632
- J1939 Introduction by Kvaser
Available products
- A j1939 (and ISOBUS) stack on https://gitorious.org/linux-can/linux-can-j1939 was developed by Kurt Van Dijck kurt.van.dijck@eia.be
- emtas GmbH offers an protocol stack for embedded devices.
- ISOAgLib is an Open-Source programming library. As part of an ISOBUS-system, it takes over all functions embedded in an electronic communication system according to the standard ISO 11783 such as display of user interfaces on a Virtual Terminal (VT) or Task controller (TC).
- Noregon has stopped its J1939 products in 2012